
Forms & Correspondence

School Parking Lot/ OSTA information

The school parking lot is designed for staff parking only and cannot accommodate parents drop off and pick up of their children. City of Ottawa By-Law enforcement has been monitoring our parking lot on most school days. Some parents who have pulled into the designated Accessible Parking spots to pick up or drop off students have received stiff fines. 

Parents who drive their children to and from school are kindly asked to avoid the school parking lot and use the 'Kiss n Ride'  single- file lane in the mornings and park appropriately on the city streets at dismissal time.  Thank you for keeping our school community safe!

The 'Kiss n' Ride' lane closes at 9:10 If you arrive late, please ensure you park to accompany your child and sign your child in, at the door. 


Parents - Ottawa Student Transportation Authority

Visit the OSTA website to learn more Walking Route Maps, and Pedestrian Safety Tips: Active Transportation - Ottawa Student Transportation Authority

Catholic School Council

The School Council is comprised of the school Principal, and members representing:

Want to become more involved in your children's school? Why not attend the School Council meetings? During these meetings, upcoming fundraising efforts are discussed, as well as other School Council initiatives. As our Principal and Teacher representative also attend these meetings, attending School Council Meetings provides insight into additional initiatives taking place at the school. You do not have to be a voting member to have a voice or to see what's happening, so please join us - we value your input. 

MPB Catholic School Council Constitution 

Our next Catholic School Council Information evening is Tuesday, September 17, 2024 @ 6:30 pm.  

Please email before September 16th, if you wish to attend.  Meetings are typically held on the third Tuesday of most months at 6:30 PM in the Learning Commons  (Library) at MPB School. The September 17 meeting is an information eve open to all, to learn about Catholic Parent Council and the positions that will be voted on for the first official 2024-25 meeting for September  24, 2024. For more information, please contact We will send information and nomination forms out in September. 

Upcoming Events: 

Our annual MPB Dance-a-thon was a huge success! We thank our amazing community for helping us raise over $8000 for our Outdoor Learning Enhancements. We are always  looking for parent volunteers for future events. Please email

2024-2025 School Council members:

Co-Chair:   Sabrina Cornwall 

Co-Chair:   Erin Mailhot 

Treasurer: Michael Cornwall 

Secretary:  Veronica Lega

CSPA Rep:  Carissa Oddy

Parish Rep:  Maria Perez

Social Media Rep: Lilani Pretorius 

Community Rep: Jen Cunningham 

Councillors at Large:  

Voting Members:

Ana Patenaude

Angie Hall

Chelsea Keyes

Elizabeth Huerdler

Fiona Mutungwazi

Franakh Elavia

Holly Grossman

Jen Decarlo

Kelsey McIntosh

Leda Cucka

Liz Bridges

Tara Goddard

Members at large:

Carla Zarzar

Lee Oddy

Neela Singh

Teacher Co-Representatives: Chris Truelove &  Michele Emond

Principal: Vincenza Nicoletti 

School Council members provide input and advice to the Principal on topics such as:

The School Council needs your voice, your input, your contribution to make the school better for all students, including yours!  

Meeting Dates & Minutes: 

Board-wide Parent Organizations

Catholic School Parents’ Association (CSPA) 

The Ottawa Catholic School Parents’ Association (CSPA) is a volunteer group representing all OCSB parents. They are a resource for school councils and the parent community for information on local and provincial education issues. Through their website, social media, and email newsletters, they provide updates on education in Ottawa & Ontario, as well as tips, resources and information to help parents support their children in school. All parents are welcome and encouraged to join their e-mail list, follow them on social media @OttawaCSPA, and register to attend their meetings or events via EventBrite.

OCSB Parent Involvement Committee (PIC) 

The OCSB Parent Involvement Committee (PIC) is a provincially mandated committee made up of parents, a trustee, the Director of Education, an elementary and high school principal, and other school board staff as required. The purpose of PIC is to support, encourage, and enhance parent engagement at the school board level to improve student achievement and well-being. PIC is a subcommittee of CSPA, and parent members are appointed by CSPA.  

Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC)

The OCSB’s Special Education and Advisory Committee (SEAC) makes recommendations to the Board in respect of any matter affecting the establishment, development, and delivery of special education programs and services for exceptional pupils.